Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival

10:00 - 10:30 Main hall, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

Welcoming guests

10:30 - 10:35 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

Opening ceremony

Welcome speaches of representatives from UNSFA and distinguished guests

10:35 - 10:45 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations

Creating innovation ecosystem in Serbia Presenter: Eva Zlatković, Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations

Eva Zlatković, NITRA Eva Zlatković, NITRA
10:45 - 11:00 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

Innovation Fund - Transforming research into business

Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia is key state actor in the development of Serbia's innovation system, contribute to the country's economic growth by supporting innovation and strengthening the link between science and economy. Presenting: Jelena Stanarević and Milica Macura

Milica Macura Milica Macura
Jelena Stanarević Jelena Stanarević
11:00 - 11:30 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

Presentation of BIO4 Campus

Presenting new Bioeconomy Hub in Europe - BIO4 Campus in Belgrade, home to 1.000+ PhDs and 300+ Labs
Presenting: Nenad Paunović, Director of the IT and Entrepreneurship team in the Office of the Prime Minister of Serbia

Nenad Paunović, Government of the Republic of Serbia Nenad Paunović, Government of the Republic of Serbia
11:30 - 12:15 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

PANEL 1: Role of Agriculture in Bioeconomy

Moderator: Vesna Nešković
Panelists: Svetlana Vujić, Saša Krstović, Milica Vranešević and Todo Terzić

Todo Terzić, NALED Todo Terzić, NALED
Milica Vranešević, Associated Professor Milica Vranešević, Associated Professor
Saša Krstović, Docent dr Saša Krstović, Docent dr
Svetlana Vujić, Assosiated Professor Svetlana Vujić, Assosiated Professor
Vesna Neskovic, International Relations Officer Vesna Neskovic, International Relations Officer
12:15 - 12:30 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

C4IR: Building ecosystem for Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution marks a global transformation of economic and social relations under the influence of new technologies that combine the physical, digital, and biological world.
Presenting: Dragana Šutović Ilić, Project manager at C4IR

Dragana Šutović Ilić, C4IR Dragana Šutović Ilić, C4IR
12:30 - 13:00 Main hall, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

Coffee break

13:00 - 13:30 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

UNSFA: Boosting innovations through Centers of Exceptional Values

Presenting work of two Centers of Exceptional Values founded by UNSFA.
Center for adaptation of agri, urban and forest ecosystems to climate change presented by Director Ivana Maksimović.
Center for vector diseases and effects on climate change in One Health Approach, presented by Aleksandra Ignjatović Ćupina.

Aleksandra Ignjatović Ćupina, Full Professor Aleksandra Ignjatović Ćupina, Full Professor
Ivana Maksimović, Full Professor Ivana Maksimović, Full Professor
13:30 - 14:30 Amphitheater, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

PANEL 2: Bioenergy as a backbone of Bioeconomy

Connecting dots of Bioeconomy for sustainable future.
Moderator: Milivoj Radojčin
Panelists: Siniša Bikić, Milan Tomić, Maja Karaman

Maja Karaman, Full Professor Maja Karaman, Full Professor
Milan Tomić, Full Professor Milan Tomić, Full Professor
Siniša Bikić, Assosiated Professor Siniša Bikić, Assosiated Professor
Milivoj Radojčin, Associated Professor Milivoj Radojčin, Associated Professor
14:30 - 16:00 Professor's Club, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad

Networking event (by invitation only)

  • Date : 25 March 2024 - 26 March 2024
  • Time : 09:00 - 16:00 (Europe/Brussels)


Vesna Neskovic, International Relations Officer

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